

    Talents Concept

    Talents Concept
    Our enthusiasm and highly cooperative team meticulously research and analyzes the installation and design of ventilation and cooling system equipments. At the same time, we actively face the arduous challenge of environmental protection. Over the years, this has allow our company to grow vigorously, so we firmly believe that our professionalism in ventilation and cooling system will bring us to a higher level of success, together, we create excellence.
    Business Partner

    Business Partner

      Over the years, through research and development, we have been providing high quality products and services to our customers in different industries according to their needs. In addition to our team’s efforts, we are more honored to obtain a group of partners with the same philosophy; they help us to improve our ventilation and cooling system.

    What are you waiting for? Become one of our partners today, let your team live in a better and comfortable environment.
    Logistics Support Engineering Team

    Logistics Support Engineering Team

      Upholding our promise of providing customers with one-stop service, the logistics support team is an indispensable part. Therefore, we welcome any person or team with relevant experience in hydropower engineering, welding engineering, mud engineering, etc. to join us, Strengthen our logistic support team.  
    Job Opportunity

      Job Opportunity

      We are looking for talents with innovative thinking and good at problem solving. If you are courageous and willing to face challenges while promoting eco- friendly ventilation and cooling system to the market,
    please feel free to email us at (Kindly attach your resume) :